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⑴ 急求一份關於股利分配政策的外文文獻,最好能帶翻譯並標明出處。

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⑵ 求 關於股權激勵 的外文文獻及翻譯 還有兩天就要交了 謝謝了!!!


⑶ 求公司治理角度的股權激勵外文文獻~~最好有中文翻譯


⑷ 求激勵方面外文文獻及翻譯 急!!!! 我有多少分都給你

Incentive Program Basics

2。Employee Incentive Programs

3。Employee Incentives

4。Employee Incentive Plans: Make Them Worthwhile

5。Managing People - Compensation Choosing Incentive Plans


7。Employee and Student Hybrid Incentives

8。How to Design Effective Employee Incentive Programs


在google搜索欄中輸入:employee incentive
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⑸ 請大家幫我找一篇關於激勵機制的外文文獻或論文 最好有翻譯的!

1. 原則之一:激勵要因人而異

2. 原則之二:獎勵適度
3. 原則之三:公平性

1. 激勵員工從結果均等轉移到機會均等,並努力創造公平競爭環境。

舉例來說,吳士宏在IBM從一個打掃衛生的人做起,一步一步到銷售業務員,到地區負責人,到中國區總經理,是什麼原因呢?除了個人努力,還應該說IBM 良好的企業文化給了一個發展的舞台,那就是每一個人都有無限的發展機會,只要有能力就會有發展的空間,實現自我,這在很多企業是做不到的,這種體制無疑會給員工莫大的激勵作用。
2. 激勵要把握最佳時機。
3. 激勵要公平準確、獎罰分明

4. 推行職工持股計劃。

5. 榮譽激勵

6. 關心激勵
7. 競爭激勵

8. 物質激勵

9. 信息激勵

1. One of the principles: incentives to vary from person to person
Because of the different needs of different staff, therefore, the same incentive effects of policy incentives will play a different. Even with a staff, at different times or circumstances, will have different needs. Because of incentives depending on the internal and the subjective feelings of the staff are, therefore, incentive to vary from person to person.

In the formulation and implementation of incentive policies, we must first investigate each employee clearly what is really required. Required to organize, classify, and then to formulate appropriate policies to help motivate employees to meet these needs.
2. Two principles: appropriate incentives
Appropriate incentives and penalties will not affect the incentive effect, while increasing the cost of incentives. Award overweight employees would have to meet the mood of pride and lost the desire to further enhance their own; reward incentives too light will not achieve the effect, or so employees do not have a sense of attention. Heavy penalties are unfair to make employees, or loss of the company's identity, or even slow down or damage arising from the emotions; leniency error will underestimate the seriousness of the staff, which will probably make the same mistake.
3. The principle of three: fairness
The fairness of the management staff are a very important principle, employees are any unfair treatment will affect his mood and work efficiency, and effectiveness of the impact of incentives. Employees to obtain the same score, we must receive the same level of incentives; the same token, employees committed the same error, but also should be subject to the same level of punishment. If you can not do this, managers would prefer not to reward or punishment.

Managers deal with employees at issue, must have a fair mind, should not have any prejudices and preferences. Although some staff may allow you to enjoy, some you do not enjoy, but at work, must be treated equally and should not have any of the words and acts of injustice.
1. Stimulate the transfer of staff from the results of equal to equal opportunities and strive to create a level playing field.

For example, Wu Shihong at IBM from a clean start with the people, step by step to the sales clerk to the district person in charge, General Manager of China, what are the reasons for this? In addition to indivial efforts, but also said that IBM should be a good corporate culture to a stage of development, that is, everyone has unlimited opportunities for development, as long as there is capacity there will be space for the development of self-implementation, which is to do a lot of companies are not, this system will undoubtedly inspire a great role of the staff.
2. Inspire the best time to grasp.
- Takes aim at pre-order incentive the mission to advance incentives.
- Have Difficulties employees, desire to have strong demand, to give the care and timely encouragement.
3. Want a fair and accurate incentive, reward
- Sound, perfect performance appraisal system to ensure appropriate assessment scale, fair and reasonable.
- Have to overcome there is thinning of the human pro-wind.
- In reference salary, promotions, awards, etc.評優involve the vital interests of employees on hot issues in order to be fair.

4. The implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
Workers and employees in order to double the capacity of investors, more concerned about the outcome of business operations and improve the initiative.

Modern human resources management experience and research shows that employees are involved in modern management requirements and aspirations, and create and provide opportunities for all employees is to mobilize them to participate in the management of an effective way to enthusiasm. There is no doubt that very few people participated in the discussions of the act and its own without incentives. Therefore, to allow trade unions to participate in the management of properly, can motivate workers, but also the success of the enterprise to obtain valuable knowledge. Through participation, the formation of trade unions on the enterprise a sense of belonging, identity, self-esteem and can further meet the needs of self-realization. Set up and improve employee participation in management, the rationalization of the proposed system and the Employee Stock Ownership and strengthening leadership at all levels and the exchange of communication and enhance the awareness of staff to participate in ownership.
5. Honor incentive
Staff attitude and contribution of labor to honor rewards, such as recognition of the meeting, issued certificate, honor roll, in the company's internal and external publicity on the media reports, home visits condolences, visit sightseeing, convalescence, training out of training, access to recommend honor society, selected stars model, such as class.

6. Concerned about the incentives
The staff concerned about work and life, such as the staff set up the birthday table, birthday cards, general manager of the issue of staff, care staff or difficult and presented a small gift sympathy.
7. Competitive
The promotion of enterprise among employees, departments compete on an equal footing between the orderly and the survival of the fittest.

8. The material incentives
Increase their wages, welfare, insurance, bonuses, incentive houses, daily necessities, wages promotion.

9. Information incentives
Enterprises to communicate often, information among employees, the idea of communication, information such as conferences, field release, enterprises reported that the reporting system, the association manager to receive the system date.

⑹ 求一篇股利政策相關的外文文獻 並有中英文翻譯


⑺ 求幾篇關於股權激勵的外文文獻

⑻ 急!求2篇關於上市公司股票期權激勵制度相關的外文文獻和中文翻譯,要有出處。謝謝各位了。qq:2570353391


⑼ 激勵理論相關的外文翻譯那找啊





⑽ 急!!求股票期權會計研究的外文..1W字元 要附有出處和中文翻譯 ~哪位大蝦幫忙~啊 小弟謝謝了

In finance, an option is a contract between a buyer and a seller that gives the buyer of the option the right, but not the obligation, to buy or to sell a specified asset (underlying) on or before the option's expiration time, at an agreed price, the strike price.

In return for granting the option, the seller collects a payment (the premium) from the buyer. Granting the option is also referred to as "selling" or "writing" the option.

A call option gives the buyer of the option the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying at the strike price.
A put option gives the buyer of the option the right but not the obligation to sell the underlying at the strike price.
If the buyer chooses to exercise this right, the seller is obliged to sell or buy the asset at the agreed price.[1][2] The buyer may choose not to exercise the right and let it expire. The underlying asset can be a piece of property, a security (stock or bond), or a derivative instrument, such as a futures contract.

The theoretical value of an option is evaluated according to several models. These models, which are developed by quantitative analysts, attempt to predict how the value of an option changes in response to changing conditions. Hence, the risks associated with granting, owning, or trading options may be quantified and managed with a greater degree of precision, perhaps, than with some other investments. Exchange-traded options form an important class of options which have standardized contract features and trade on public exchanges, facilitating trading among independent parties. Over-the-counter options are traded between private parties, often well-capitalized institutions that have negotiated separate trading and clearing arrangements with each other.

Another important class of options, particularly in the U.S., are employee stock options, which are awarded by a company to their employees as a form of incentive compensation. Other types of options exist in many financial contracts, for example real estate options are often used to assemble large parcels of land, and prepayment options are usually included in mortgage loans. However, many of the valuation and risk management principles apply across all financial options.

Contents [hide]
1 Contract specifications
2 Types of options
2.1 Option styles
3 Valuation models
3.1 Black Scholes
3.2 Stochastic volatility models
4 Model implementation
4.1 Analytic techniques
4.2 Binomial tree pricing model
4.3 Monte Carlo models
4.4 Finite difference models
4.5 Other models
5 Risks
5.1 Example
5.2 Pin risk
5.3 Counterparty risk
6 Trading
7 The basic trades of traded stock options (American style)
7.1 Long call
7.2 Long put
7.3 Short call
7.4 Short put
8 Option strategies
9 Historical uses of options
10 See also
11 References
12 Further reading
13 External links

[edit] Contract specifications
Every financial option is a contract between the two counterparties with the terms of the option specified in a term sheet. Option contracts may be quite complicated; however, at minimum, they usually contain the following specifications:[3]

whether the option holder has the right to buy (a call option) or the right to sell (a put option)
the quantity and class of the underlying asset(s) (e.g. 100 shares of XYZ Co. B stock)
the strike price, also known as the exercise price, which is the price at which the underlying transaction will occur upon exercise
the expiration date, or expiry, which is the last date the option can be exercised
the settlement terms, for instance whether the writer must deliver the actual asset on exercise, or may simply tender the equivalent cash amount
the terms by which the option is quoted in the market to convert the quoted price into the actual premium-–the total amount paid by the holder to the writer of the option.
[edit] Types of options
The primary types of financial options are:



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