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发布时间:2021-08-06 09:36:19

Ⅰ 关于可转换债券(convertible bonds)的英语文献

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Ⅱ 请问股票,债券,基金,期货的英语怎么说!还有关于这类金融词的说法

Stocks, bonds, funds, futures

Ⅲ 哪个好心人能帮忙找一篇英文论文关于“可转换债券”方面的。如果随有翻译成中文的就更加谢谢了了

Convertible bonds depends primarily on the performance of the investment and financing of the operating conditions of the issuing company. Of financiers, the convertible bonds can lead to low-cost financing, equity dilution is relatively weak, to improve the capital structure, flexibility and strong performance; For investors, convertible bonds provide both the safety of the outstanding principal and give access to potential stock earnings growth opportunities. Convertible bonds for the use of effective investment and financing activity, we need to scientifically measured convertible bond performance of the investment and financing, investment and financing in order to avoid errors in decision-making.
First, the performance of convertible bond financing analysis
The issuance of convertible bonds by the financing of the performance of earnings per share to reflect. At the operational effectiveness of certain circumstances, the higher the earnings per share, stock value, the more a more shareholder wealth, the better the performance of financing. Analysis in order to facilitate understanding, the following examples.
Example: the original capital of the company FeiDa 9 000 million, 0.3 yuan per share, the original debt capital of 5 000 million, the annual interest rate of 3%, 33% income tax rate. Refinancing is to be 10 1 0 million yuan investment in new projects, the company decided to issue a face value of 1 000 million, interest rate 1.5% (simple interest), 5-year convertible bonds 100,000, Convertible price of 10 Yuan / shares, the conversion period of six month bonds to the maturity of the bonds after the day ended, and an agreement: If the closing price of shares FeiDa 30 consecutive trading days below the 70% Convertible Price, creditors have the right to hold all or part of convertible bonds to 105% of face value (including the current interest) price to sell the company FeiDa; FeiDa shares if the closing price for 30 trading days the price is higher than 130 percent Convertible, FeiDa companies have the right to 105% of face value (including the current interest) will be the price of the Convertible Bonds have not yet bought back. In addition, if the company is issuing shares FeiDa financing, according to the current stock market price of 8 / 1 125 million shares issued; if the general issue of bond financing, to issue a face value of 1 000 million, the interest rate 3% (simple interest), 5 years 100,000 bonds.
FeiDa company in the investment project under the premise of change, set up new projects of interest to achieve an annual pre-tax profit for the EBIT, the various modes of financing under the earnings per share (EPS) were calculated as follows:
Convertible bonds can be converted before: EPS1 = [(EBIT-10 000 × 1.5%) (1-33%) ÷ 9 000] +0.3;
After Convertible Convertible Bonds: EPS2 = [EBIT (1-33%) +0.3 × 9 000] ÷ (1 000 +9 000) (Note: The number of Convertible = 10 000 ÷ 10 = 1 000 million);
Issue of ordinary shares: EPS3 = [EBIT (1-33%) +0.3 × 9 000] ÷ (1 125 +9 000);
General bond issue: EPS4 = [(EBIT-10 000 × 3%) (1-33%) ÷ 9 000] +0.3.
It is clear that investment in new projects no matter how effective are EPS1> EPS4, EPS2> EPS3, that is, if the failure Convertible convertible bonds and convertible bond financing is always better than the performance of bond financing; Convertible convertible bonds, if successful, Convertible bond financing is always superior to the performance of common stock financing.
Order EPS1 = EPS3, the mode of financing can be obtained in two of the non-points: EBIT1 =
-2 680 (million).
Order EPS2 = EPS4, the mode of financing can be obtained in two of the non-points: EBIT2 =- 1 030 (million).
(1) When the return on investment in new projects is very poor, that is, at EBIT <-2 680 million cases, because of new projects FeiDa cause of the decline in the overall effectiveness of the company, stock prices down not up, Convertible bound to fail, then there is EPS3> EPS1> EPS4, convertible bond financing at this time is better than the performance of bond financing in general worse than the common stock financing.
(2) when the new investment projects in poor, that is, although EBIT at more than -2 680 million, but still not enough to promote the exercise of creditors to the case of equity, then there is EPS1> EPS3, EPS1> EPS4, at this time Convertible bond financing is better than the performance of common stock financing and bond financing in general, is the best option.
(3) When the new project a very good investment returns, that is, companies in the Mainland share prices have risen, and the exercise of incentive to creditors to the case of equity, EBIT necessarily much higher than -1 030 million, while there is EPS4> EPS2> EPS3 at this time could be better than the performance of convertible debt financing to facilitate the financing of ordinary shares in the general bond financing bad.
The above analysis results show that the interests of the shareholders, in most cases, the use of convertible bond financing are favorable, the main reasons are:
1. Low-cost financing. Convertible bond interest rates below the general rate bonds and tax credits have the effect. If the Convertible failure, which is equivalent to the company issued bonds with lower interest rates. Of course, the convertible bond financing, low-cost advantage will graally disappear as the Convertible, but compared with the direct offering financing, or saving some of the costs of pre-Convertible.
2. Diluted share capital of the relatively weak role. Diluted share capital of the new shareholders equity refers to the old shareholders equity dilution resulting from the specific performance of the non-operating earnings per share decline, stock prices fell. Although graally Convertible convertible bonds, the equity dilution effect will graally, but the dilution effect has lagged behind, offering direct financing to avoid the rapid expansion of equity shares arising problem down. In addition, higher prices because of Convertible financing a lot of issued shares, the total amount of financing certain circumstances, the Convertible is less than the number of shares the number of direct, to some extent, reced equity dilution effect.
3. To improve the capital structure. The use of bond financing, is bound to improve the company balance sheet, increased financial risk. General Notes to this effect until the maturity of the bonds to repay, and convertible bonds of this effect in most cases are temporary, with the exercise-to-equity swap, the original principal amount of the debt into a permanent capital inputs at the same time rece the liabilities increased by the interests of capital, financial risks decline, the company's capital structure improved.

4. Flexibility. The adoption of common stock and common bond financing, in the scale of financing, financing companies on the issue of time and financial requirements, such as on the law have more stringent controls, such as the previous fund-raising time of less than a year, continue to use these financing methods will be limited. At this point the use of convertible bond financing to avoid the law. In addition, the form of convertible bonds a variety of distribution companies in accordance with the needs of investors and companies choose their own different way of convertible bond financing.
Two, convertible bond investment performance analysis
Convertible bonds of investment performance can be reflected through the investment income. Investment units in the operational effectiveness of the circumstances must, at the same time to obtain higher return on investment, better investment performance. FeiDa is to invest in the above analysis shows the company as an example. To simplify the analysis process, ignores the impact of personal income tax, and assuming that investors in the Convertible Notes after the expiration of the period to the transfer of ownership does not.
1. When issued in good company when the share prices will rise even more than the price Convertible, Convertible are favorable at this time, investors will transfer some or all of the exercise of options. Must be noted that the investors receive shares of Convertible is not the same as premium income when the stock market in the Convertible Convertible prices and bad, because after the Convertible bring the equity share capital increase will lead to dilution effects of stock price declines, thereby share premium will offset some of the proceeds.
Example bid on, set the price for the Convertible at P0, all Convertible Notes may convert the price after the P1, based on the principle of no-arbitrage equilibrium, there is: P1 = (9 000P0 +1 000 × 10) ÷ (9 000 +1 000) = 1 +0.9 P0.
The assumption that investors in convertible bonds before maturity Convertible, then:
A 5-year convertible bonds amounted to earnings: R1 = 1 000 × 1.5% × 5 + (1 +0.9 P0-10) × (1 000 ÷ 10); a general 5-year revenue bond amount: R2 = 1 000 × 3% × 5 = 150 (million).
So that R1 = R2, can be obtained for receipts of non-point: P0 = 10.83 (RMB / share). It is clear that only in the stock market value of more than 10.83 yuan / exercise-to-equity shares, convertible bonds before the investment performance is superior to the general bond investments. If bond investors select a certain time before the expiration of the Convertible, analysis of its investment performance, the need to consider the dividend increase and loss of revenue bonds the difference between the interest income. Therefore, this case of convertible bonds are usually poor investment performance of investment in common stock.
2. When the issue of poor business, the company's share price changes can be difficult to break through the conversion of the Convertible Bond Price, Convertible usually ended in failure, but basically the principal and interest of bonds or guaranteed. If there fell back to the agreed conditions of sale, investors usually buy back the right to exercise.
Example for on, at the first n-based investors to sell in the exercise of the right, then:
N 1 convertible bonds amounted to years of income: R3 = 1 000 × [5% +1.5% × (n-1)]; a general revenue bond amount n years: R4 = 1 000 × 3% × n.
So that R3 = R4, non-point gains obtained: n = 2.33 (year). In other words, if the conditions to the sale of time shorter than 233 years, the convertible bond investment performance is superior to the general bond investment; if the conditions to the sale of time longer than 2.33 years, or even has not been the emergence of the exercise should not Back to the sale of rights, convertible bonds may be poor investment performance bonds in general. Therefore, this case of convertible bond investment performance is usually better than the common stock investment.
3. When the deterioration of operating conditions of the issuing company, which e to insolvency and bankruptcy, the company's shareholder value is zero, to lose everything invested. At this point, the principal amount of convertible bonds and bonds in general, can only get partial reimbursement, and other living in order to repay the secured creditor's rights after the mortgage, bankruptcy pre-interest income is also lower than the general bond. Therefore, this case of convertible bond investment performance is superior to common stock investments in bad bond investments in general.
This shows that investors select the following principles should be based on convertible bonds: ① issued the company's operating performance despite a certain degree of volatility, but more optimistic about the prospects. Such as the issuance of the company's operating performance has been increasing steadily, should be directly invested in stocks; such as the operation of the issuing company are pessimistic about the prospects, should invest in bonds in general. ② convertible bond interest rates and bond interest rates in general should not differ too much, otherwise, too much loss of interest income to pay the high cost of the options. ③ with the terms of a premium to the sale, when the company's share price fell a serious issue, they can rece the loss of investors. ④ the issuing company a higher credit rating, at least "Baa" level and above, because the safety of convertible bonds is lower than the level of protection secured mortgage debt.

Ⅳ !!!求关于股票的英文专用名词!

Accounts payable 应付帐款
Accounts receivable 应收帐款
Accrued interest 应计利息
Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人
Accredit value 自然增长值
ACE 美国商品交易所
ADB 亚洲开发银行
ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据; 美国存托凭证
[股市] 指由负责保管所存托外国股票的存托银行所发行一种表明持有人拥有多少外国股票(即存托股份)的收据。ADR一般以美元计价和进行交易,及被视为美国证券。对很多美国投资者而言,买卖ADR比买卖ADR所代表的股票更加方便、更流动、成本较低和容易。
大部份预托收据为ADR;但也可以指全球预托收(GDR) ,欧洲预托收据(EDR) 或国际预托收据(IDR) 。从法律和行政立场而言,所有预托收据具有同样的意义。
ADS 美国存托股份
Affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司
After-market 后市
[股市] 指某只新发行股票在定价和配置后的交易市场。市场参与者关注的是紧随的后市情况,即头几个交易日。有人把后市定义为股价稳定期,即发行结束后的30天。也有人认为后市应指稳定期过后的交易市况。然而,较为普遍的是把这段时期视为二级市场
AGM 周年大会
Agreement 协议;协定
All-or-none order 整批委托
Allocation 分配;配置
Allotment 配股
Alpha (Market Alpha) 阿尔法;预期市场可得收益水平
Alternative investment 另类投资
American Commodities Exchange 美国商品交易所
American Depository Receipt 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 (简称“ADR ”参见ADR栏目)
American Depository Share 美国存托股份
Amercian Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所
American style option 美式期权
Amex 美国证券交易所
Amortization 摊销
Amsterdam Stock Exchange 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所
Annual General Meeting 周年大会
Antitrust 反垄断
APEC 亚太区经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)
Arbitrage 套利;套汇;套戥
Arbitration 仲裁
Arm's length transaction 公平交易
Articles of Association 公司章程;组织细则
At-the-money option 平价期权;等价期权
ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 (东盟)
Asian bank syndication market 亚洲银团市场
Asian dollar bonds 亚洲美元债券
Asset Allocation 资产配置
Asset Management 资产管理
Asset swap 资产掉期
Assignment method 转让方法;指定分配方法
ASX 澳大利亚证券交易所
Auckland Stock Exchange 奥克兰证券交易所
Auction market 竞价市场
Authorized capital 法定股本;核准资本
Authorized fund 认可基金
Authorized representative 授权代表
Australian Options Market 澳大利亚期权交易所
Australian Stock Exchange 澳大利亚证券交易所
Back-door listing 借壳上市
Back-end load 撤离费;后收费用
Back office 后勤办公室
Back to back FX agreement 背靠背外汇协议
Balance of trade 贸易平衡
Balance sheet 资产负债表
Balloon maturity 期末放气式偿还
Balloon payment 最末期大笔还清
Bank, Banker, Banking 银行;银行家;银行业
Bank for International Settlements 国际结算银行
Bankruptcy 破产
Base day 基准日
Base rate 基准利率
Basis point 基点;点子
Basis swap 基准掉期
Bear market 熊市;股市行情看淡
Bearer 持票人
Bearer stock 不记名股票
Behind-the-scene 未开拓市场
Below par 低于平值
Benchmark 比较基准
Beneficiary 受益人
Beta (Market beta) 贝他(系数);市场风险指数
Best practice 最佳做法
Bills department 押汇部
BIS 国际结算银行
Blackout period 封锁期
Block trade 大额交易;大宗买卖
Blue chips 蓝筹股
Board of directors 董事会
Bona fide buyer 真诚买家
Bond market 债券市场,债市
Bonds 债券,债票
Bonus issue 派送红股
Bonus share 红股
Book value 帐面值
Bookbuilding 建立投资者购股意愿档案
[股市] 包销商用以定价一笔发行的方法。包销商在促销活动结束后把所收集的初步购股订单一一记下,然后根据投资者愿意支付的价格水平订定最终发行价。
Bookrunner 投资意愿建档人;帐簿管理人
[股市] 指负责为发行建立投资者购股意愿档案的银行,亦即负责为一笔发行组织承销、拟定不同市场的发行规模、执行促销活动、定价、配置和后市稳定工作的银行。
BOOT 建造;拥有;经营;转让
BOT 建造;经营;转让
Bottom line 底线;最低限度
Bottom-up 由下而上(方法)
Bounced cheque 空头支票
Bourse 股票交易所(法文)
BP (Basis Point) 基点
Brand management 品牌管理
Break-up fees 破除协议费用
Break-up valuation 破产清理价值评估
Breakeven point 收支平衡点
Bridging loan 临时贷款/过渡贷款
Broker, Broking,
Brokerage House 经纪;证券买卖;证券交易;证券行;经纪行
Brussels Stock Exchange 布鲁塞尔证券交易所
BSSM 建造/设备供应-服务/维修
Bubble economy 泡沫经济
Build, Operate and Transfer 建造、经营、转让
Build, Own, Operate and Transfer 建造;拥有;经营;转让
Build/Supply-Service/Maintain 建造/设备供应-服务/维修
Bull market 牛市;股市行情看涨
Bullets 不得赎回直至到期(债券结构之一)
Bullish 看涨; 看好行情
Bundesbank 德国联邦银行;德国央行
Business day 营业日
Business management 业务管理;商务管理;工商管理
Business studies 业务研究;商业研究
Buy-back 回购
Buy-side analyst 买方分析员
Buyer's credit 买方信贷(进口)
Buyout 收购;买入
By-law 细则;组织章程
CAGR 复合年增长率
Call-spread warrant 欧洲式跨价认股权证
Call option 认购期权
Call protection/provision 赎回保障/条款
Call warrant 认购认股权证
Callable bond 可赎回债券
Cap 上限
Capacity 生产能力;产能
CAPEX 资本支出
Capital Adequacy Ratio 资本充足比率
Capital base 资本金;资本基楚
Capital expenditure 资本支出
Capitalization >资本值
Capital markets 资本市场;资金市场
Capital raising 融资;筹集资金
Cash-settled warrant 现金认股权证
Cash earnings per share 每股现金盈利
Cash flow 现金流量
CCASS 中央结算及交收系统
CD 存款证
CEDEL 世达国际结算系统(即欧洲货币市场结算系统)
Ceiling 上限
Ceiling-floor agreement 上下限协议
Central Clearing & Settlement System 中央结算及交收系统
CEO 行政总栽;行政总监;首席执行官
Certificate of deposit 存款证
Certificate of incumbency 公司授权/委任书
CFO 财务总监;首席财务官
Change of domicile 迁册(公司更改注册地址)
Chicago Board of Trade 芝加哥交易所
Chicago Board Options Exchange 芝加哥期权交易所
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商品交易所
China banking 中国银行业
China Capital Markets 中国资本市场;中国资金市场
China International Capital Corporation, CICC 中国国际金融有限公司;中金公司
China privatization 中国民营化;中国私有化;中国私营化
China restructuring 中国重组;中国改组
China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会
China Stock Markets 中国股票市场;中国股市
Chinese Wall 中国墙
Claim 索偿
Clawback notification 回拨/增加本地公开发行份额通知
Clean price 洁净价
[债市] 指债券包含应计利息的现值
Closed-end fund 封闭式基金
Co-lead manager 副主承销;联席主承销
Collars 利率上下限
Co-manager 副承销商
Comfort letter 安慰函;告慰信(由会计师发出)
Commercial loan 商业贷款
Commercial paper 商业票据
Commission rebate 佣金回扣
Commodity Exchange, Inc. 商品交易所有限公司 (纽约)
Company finance 公司融资公司财务
Complex cash flow 复合现金流
Compound annual growth rate 复合年增长率
Confidential pre-filing review 呈报前机密性审核
Confidential submission 机密呈交
Confidentiality agreement 保密协议
Conglomerate 集团/联合大企业/多业公司
Connected transaction 关联交易
Consideration 约定金额;代价;考虑因素
Constituent stock 成分股
Construction in progress 在建工程
Consumer Price Index 消费物价指数
Consumption 消费
Contingent liability 或有负债
Contractual joint venture 合约性合作/合资经营
Controlling stake/interest 控股权/权益
Conventional cap 传统上限
Conversion of state assets into state shares 国家资产作价入股
Conversion premium 转换溢价
Conversion price 转换价
Converted net collections 转换后净收入
Convertible bonds 可转换债券;可换股债券
Convexity 债券凸性
COO 营运总监;首席营运官
Copenhagen Stock Exchange 哥本哈根证券交易所
Corporate finance 企业融资
Corporate governance 企业管治;公司治理
Corporate vision 企业视野
Corporatization 公司化
Cost 成本
Cost overrun loans 成本垫支贷款
Counsel's opinion 法律顾问意见书
Counterparty credit exposure 对手的信贷风险
Coupon 票息;券息
[债市]发行人承诺会按面值年率计算,向债券持有人支付直至到期日的债券利息。举例:假如债券的票息为10%,每年便按面值100元支付10元的利息,一般是分期每6个月(半年) 或3个月(每季) 派息一次。
Coupon rate 孳息率;票息
Coupon frequency 派息频率
[债市] 指债券每年派发利息的次(比如每月、每季、每半年或每年一次)
Covenant 契约
Covered warrant 备兑认股权证
CPI 消费物价指数
Credit facilities 信贷措施
Credit foncia amortization 抵押式摊还法
Credit line 备用信贷;信用额度
Credit rating 信用评级;信贷评级
Credit spread 债券息差
Creditwatch 债信观察
Cross currency interest rate swap 交叉货币利率掉期
CSRC 中国证券监督管理委员会
Currency option 货币期权
Currency swap 货币掉期
Current account deficit 收支往来帐户赤字
Current/liquid ratio 流动比率
Customs & usages 惯例和用法
Custodian 保管机构;托管人
Cyclicality 周期
DAX 德国综合指数
Day count 日算
[债市] 用以计算债券到期前部份期间的应计利息和折现率的协议日数。
Day order 当日指令
Debt equity ratio 债资比率;股本负债率
Debt issuing vehicles 债务发行工具
Debt service coverage ratio 债务偿还比率
Default fine 违约罚金
Defaulting 违约;不履行义务
Deferred asset 递延资产
Deferred charges 递延费用;待摊费用
Deferred tax 递延税项
Deflation 通货紧缩;通缩
Deleveraged 削减头寸
Depreciation 折旧
Derivatives 派生产品;衍生产品;衍生金融投资工具
Deutsche Borse AG 德国证券及衍生工具交易所
Deutsche Terminborse 德国期货交易所
Dilution 摊薄
Direct labor cost 直接劳动成本
Directors' undertakings 董事承诺
Dirty price 脏价
[债市] 指债券不包括应计利息的现值。
Disclosure 信息披露
Discount rate 折扣率;贴现率
Dishonoured cheque 空头支票
Dividend 股息
DJIA 道琼斯工业平均指数
Domesitc Qualified Institutional Investor 国内合资格机构投资者
Double bottom/double dip 双底 (金融图表)
Dow Jones Instries Average Index 道琼斯工业平均指数
DQII 国内合资格机构投资者
Dragon bonds 小龙债券
Drawing expense in advance 预提费用
Dual currency bonds 双货币债券
Due diligence 尽职调查
指为了达成承销一笔证券发行的目的,针对某公司或企业的业务、财务状况和前景(包括其面对的主要风险) 而进行的一个全面的调查。尽职调查一般可分为业务尽职调查和法律尽职调查两类。
Duration 存续期间
[债市] 测量某只债券由于收益变动而产生价格变动的方法。一种测算债券价格波幅相等于债券加权平均到期年期现金流的敏感性测量方法。
E-commerce 电子商务
E-tailers 网上零售商
Earning per share 每股盈利
EBITDA 未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前盈利
EEC 欧洲经济共同体 (欧共体)
Emerging market 新兴市场
EMU 欧洲货币联盟
Engagement letter 委托书
Environmental protection 环(境) 保(护)
Environmental waste 环境废物
EPS 每股盈利
Equity, Equities 股本,股权,股票
Equity cushion 股本作垫
EU 欧洲联盟(欧盟)
Eurodollar bonds 欧洲美元债券
European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体(欧共体)
European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟
European Options Exchange 欧洲期权交易所 (阿姆斯特丹)
European style option 欧式期权
European Union 欧洲联盟(欧盟)
Ex-coupon 不附息票
Exotic option 第二代期权组合(设回报上或下限)
Exploitation license 采矿许可证
Exploitation right 采矿权
Exploration right 探矿权
Extendible bonds 可延期债券
Extraordinary item 非经常项目
Face value 面值
FEC 外汇券
Federal Open Market Committee 美国联邦公开市场委员会
Fee-Based Content 收费信息 (互联网)
Ficiary 信托人/信托机构
Ficiary ty 受信责任;诚信义务
Financial Advisor 财务顾问;融资顾问
Financial Business Operation Permit 经营金融业务许可证
Financial forecast 财务预测
Financial Management 财务管理
Financial Markets, Financial Procts 金融市场;金融产品
Financial Services 金融服务
Fixed asset losses in suspense 待处理固定资产损失
Fixed income 固定收益;定息债券
Floating Rate Note 浮息票据
Floor 下限
Floor broker 出市经纪
Follow-on offering 后续发行
FOMC 联邦公开市场委员会
Foreign-funded enterprise 外商投资企业
Foreign Exchange 外汇
Foreign Exchange Business Operation Permit 经营外汇业务许可证
Foreign Exchange Certificate 外汇券
Foreign exchange mortgage loan 外汇抵押贷款
Foreign exchange swap center 外汇调剂中心
Formulae Based Amortization 按公式计算的摊还方法
Forward Rate Agreement 远期利率协议
FRA 远期利率协议
Franchiser 项目招商人
Franchisor 特许专营受权公司
Frankfurt Stock Exchange 法兰克福证券交易所
Free float 公众持股量
[股市] 指由机构投资者及公众投资者所持有的股份总数占公司已发行股票总数的百分比
FRN 浮息票据
FTSE Index 伦敦金融时报指数 (又称富时指数)
Fund Management 基金管理
Futures 期货
FX 外汇
G&A 一般费用及行政费用
G7 七大工业国
GAAP 一般公认会计原则
Gateway 网关/国际关口局
GATT 关税及贸易从协定
GDP 国内生产总值
GDR 全球预托收据;全球存股证
Gearing ratio 运用倍数
General Acceptable Accounting Principle 一般公认会计原则
General Agreement on Tariffs
& Trade 关税及贸易从协定
General & Administrative Expenses 一般费用及行政费用
General management 一般管理;综合管理
Global bearer warrant 全球不记名认股权证
Global coordinator 全球协调人
Global Depository Receipt 全球预托证券;全球存股证
Global finance 全球金融;全球财务
Global financial firm/institution 全球金融公司/机构;世界性金融公司/机构
Global offering 全球发行
GNP 国民生产总值
Going public 上市;公开上市
Goodwill amortization 商誉价值摊销
Government Concessionary
& Soft Loan 政府特许及软性贷款
Greenshoe 绿鞋;超额配售选择权
[股市] 超额配售是所有股票发行的一个重要元素,特别是对采用Bookbuilding销售方法的发行而言。包销发行成功主要归功于能争取到高于发行量的投资者需求。在这情况下,未能满足的需求会向后市寻求买入,从而有助实现强劲的价格表现和提高发行在二级市场的流动性。为了让包销商能超额配售然后具有灵活度可从市场买回股份以有助稳定后市的交易价,发行人授予包销商greenshoe,一般相当于发行量的15%,让包销商有选择权可于定价日后30天 (稳定期) 内以发行价向发行人买入额外股份。额外股份只能用于配售给未获满足的超出发行量的投资者订单。超额配售选择权通常是股价在二级市场上升才被行使,不然的话,一般会通过从二级市场买回股票以填补超额销售的数量。
Gross domestic proct 国内生产总值
Gross national proct 国民生产总值
Gross profit 毛利润
Gross spread 总差额
Group of Seven 七大工业国
Gun jumping 偷步
Hang Seng China Enterprise Index 恒生中国企业指数 (香港)
Hang Seng Index 恒生指数 (香港)
Hedge Fund 对冲基金;套保基金
Hedging 对冲; 套保
HIBOR 香港银行同业拆借利率
HKFE 香港期货交易所有限公司
HKMA 香港金融管理局(金管局)
HKSAR 香港特别行政区
HKSCC 香港中央结算有限公司
HKSE 香港证券交易所
Holding Company 控股公司
Homepage 首页(互联网)
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Ltd. 香港期货交易所有限公司
Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate 香港银行同业拆放利率
Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局(金管局)
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co. Ltd. 香港中央结算有限公司
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区
Hong Kong Stock Exchange 香港证券交易所
HSCEI 恒生中国企业指数 (香港)
HSI 恒生指数(恒指) (香港)
Hybrid cap 混合上限
IAS 国际会计准则
ICP 互联网内容供货商
Idle funds 闲置资金
IMF 国际货币基金
IMM 国际货币市场
Implicit deflator 隐性通货紧缩指数
Import quota 进口配额
Import tariff 进口关税
In-the-money 价内(期权)
Incentive site 鱼饵网点(互联网)
Income tax 所得税;入息税;薪俸税
Indemnification 赔偿
Indexed performance 指数表现
Indicative price 指示性价格
Instrail and Commercial Consolidated Tax 工商统一税
Information memoranm 资料备忘录
Information technology 信息科技
Initial Conversion Premium 初次转换溢价
Initial Public Offering 首次公开招股发行
Insider trading 内幕交易
Institutional investor 机构投资者
Intangible asset 无形资产
Intellectual property (IP) 知识产权
Interest Rate Swap 利率掉期
Intergovernmental loan 政府间贷款
Interim report 中期报告
Intermediary 中介机构; 中介人
International Accounting Standards 国际会计准则
International Finance 国际融资
International Market 国际市场
International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金
International Monetary Market 国际货币市场
International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织
International Trust & Investment Corp. 国际信托投资公司(国投公司)
Internet Content Provider 互联网内容供货商
Internet presence 网上广告
Intrinsic value 内在价值
Inventory 存货;库存
Investment, Investing 投资
Investment advice, Investment advisor 投资咨询;投资顾问
Investment bank, Investment banking 投资银行;投资银行服务
Investment grade 投资级
Investment research 投资研究
Investor Relations 投资者关系
IPO 初次公开发行;首次公开招股
Investor Relations 投资者关系
Irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤消信用状
ISO 国际标准化组织
Issued (and outstanding) shares 已发行股票
Issuer 发行人
IT 信息科技
ITIC 国际信托投资公司(国投公司)
Joint account 联名帐户;共同帐户
Joint and several liabilities 共同及连带责任
Joint global coordinator 联席全球协调人
Joint stock company 股份有限公司
Joint venture 合营企业;合资企业
Jointly operated mines 联办矿
Junior mortgage 次级按揭
Junk bond 垃圾债券
Korea Composite Index 韩国综合指数
Korea Stock Exchange 韩国证券交易所
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange 吉隆坡证券交易所
L/C 信用状
LBO 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购
Lead manager 主承销;牵头经办人
Legal persons shares 法人股
Lender 贷款人
Letter of credit 信用状
Leverage = level of debt/equity 债务水平/比重
Leveraged Buy Out 杠杆买断交易;借贷融资收购
Leveraged rate 杠杆比率
LIBOR 伦敦银行同业拆借利率
Lien 扣押;扣押权;留置权
LIFFE 伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所
Limited recourse 有限追索权
Limited partnership 有限责任合伙
Linked Exchange Rate System 联系汇率制度
Liquid investment 短期投资
Liquid Yield Option Note 流动收息权利票据
Liquidity 流动性;流动资金;变现能力
Liquidity ratio 速动比率
Listed company 上市公司
Litigation 诉讼
Local toll collecting highway infrastructure index 地方收费公路基楚设施指数
Lock-in 自然出现(条件)
Lock-out 自然消失(条件)
Lock-up 锁定;封锁
[股市]由发行公司或第三者供应方(如适用)作出承诺,在事先未取得承销商(包销商) 的同意前,不得进一步出售股份。封锁期一般是180天,但也可视乎情况而较长。
Lock-Up Agreement 锁定协议
London Commodity Exchange 伦敦商品交易所
London Interbank Offer Rate 伦敦银行同业拆放利率
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange 伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所
London Metal Exchange 伦敦金属交易所
London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所
London Traded Options Market 伦敦期权市场
Long (position) 长仓;好仓;看涨
Long call 买入认购权;认购长仓
Long forward 买远期
Long put 买入认沽权;认购短仓
Long-term shareholding (loyalty) incentive 长期持股优惠
Long-term supply agreement 长期供应协议
Loose bond 短期买卖债券
Low-Budget Operation 小本经营
Loyalties 特许费
LSE 伦敦证券交易所
LTOM 伦敦期权市场
LYON 流动收息权利票据
M&A 合并与收购
Macroeconomic 宏观经济;总体经济
Madrid Stock Exchange 马德里证券交易所
Makati Stock Exchange 马卡地证券交易所
Make-Whole Call 以支付溢价为成本的提前还款权利
Make-Whole Provision >提前赎回补偿
Management Best Practice 管理最佳做法
Management Buy-Out, MBO 管理层买断交易;管理层收购
Management fee 经办费
[股市]经办费是支付给银行作为它们处理为准备和执行一笔发行所涉及的工作的报酬,包括设计发行结、组织承销团、准备文件和促销材料等。经办费的基本拆帐方法是按所承担的包销数量计算,认同了有较大包销承担的个别机构一般也承担较多的工作量。此外,设有支付予发行高级参与方的称之“praecipium” 的额外酬金。
Management Seminar, Management Tools 管理人员研讨会;管理工具
Manila Stock Exchange 马尼拉证券交易所
Marche a Terme International
de France 法国国际期货及期权市场
Marche des Options Negociables
de la Bourse de Paris 巴黎证券交易所期货市场
Margin [期货交易] 保证金;按金
Margin call 要求增补按金
Mark-to-market 按市值计价
Market Capitalization 市场资本值;市值
Market maker 报价商;市场庄家
Market order 市价委托
Market share 市场占有率;市场份额
Marketable securities 有价证券
Marketing 促销;推介;营销
[股市] 首次公开招股(IPO) 的促销期包括有公司管理层参与向投资者宣传其投资故事的公司路演、和帐簿管理人向投资者收集订单的Bookbuilding销售活动。期内,经办银行和投资者双方间的销售和研究人员会定期进行对话。紧接发行前促销活动,促销期经过Bookbuilding程序和发行定价的完成而结束。
Material misstatement 重大失实陈述
MATIF 法国国际期货及期权市场
Mature market 成熟市场
Maturity 到期
[债市] 指债券或其它债务工具已到期并须支付总本金金额的日期
Medium and long term loans 中长期贷款
Medium Term Note 中期票据
Memoranm Of Understand

Ⅳ 债券相关的英语词汇,关于股票的英语单词有哪些

bond, debenture, debts债券
negotiable share可流通股份
convertible bond可转换债券
treasury/government bond国库券/政府债券
corporate bond企业债券
closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金
open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金
fund manager基金经理/管理公司
fund custodian bank 基金托管银行
market capitalization 市值
p/e ratio 市盈率(price/earning)
payment versus delivery 银券交付
clearing and settlement 清算/结算
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品
put / call option 看跌/看涨期权
margins, collateral 保证金
rights issue/offering 配股
bonus share 红股
ADR美国存托凭证/存股证(American Depository Receipt)
GDR全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt)
retail/private investor 个人投资者/散户
institutional investor机构投资者
broker/dealer 券商
proprietary trading 自营
insider trading/dealing 内幕交易
market manipulation 市场操纵
IPO 新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering)
merger and acquisition收购兼并
All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数
Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所
amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务
annuity 年金享受权
asking price 卖主的开叫价
assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额
back 拖欠的
bad loan 呆账,坏账
lout 帮助……摆脱困境
balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔
barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标
basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)
bear markets 熊市
blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的
forex foreign exchange
bond 债券,公债
bourse 交易所,证券交易所
bull markets 牛市
bullish 牛市的
bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化
CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数
CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所
Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数
contagion 蔓延
correction 调整
coupon rate 券根利率
CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问
Currency board 货币委员会
DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数
dead loan 死帐
delist 从上市证券表中除名
derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种,股票与证券行业英语词汇。)
discount 贴现
discount rate 贴现率
DJIA Dow-Jones Instrial Average 道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数,英语词汇《股票与证券行业英语词汇》(http://m.unjs.com)。通常简称Dow(道),是30个主要工业公司股票价格的组合。
Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65种有代表性的股票的道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数
Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道•琼斯运输业股价平均数
Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数
down 付现款
equity (押款金额以外的)财产价值,证券,股票
escrow 由第三者保存、等条件完成后即交受让人的契据(或证书等)
face value 面值
Federal Agency Issues 联邦机构债券
fluctuation 起伏
fluctuate 起伏
fraud 欺骗,欺诈
fraulence 欺骗(欺诈)行为
fraulent 欺诈的
FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英国)金融时报100种股票指数
good 有效的
Hang Seng Index (香港)恒生指数
holdings 占有的财产,股票
Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在纽约股市上交易的最后的20%股票
imburse 赔偿
initial share 原始股
IRA Indivial Retirement Account 个人退休账号
junk bond 假债券
junk bonds 垃圾债券
lien 扣押权,留置权
liquidate 清算,破产
list (交易所)上市证券;把(证券)列人上市证券表
long position 多头
margin 差额,保险金
mutual fund 公共基金
NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美证券交易者协会
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 纳斯达克(全美证券交易者协会自动化摘要)
NAV (Net Asset Value) 净资产值
new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票
Nikkei Stock Aver age 日经股票平均指数
nosedive (价格等)暴跌
NYSE’Volume 纽约股票交易量
NYSE’s composite index 纽约股票交易综合指数
NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 纽约股票交易所(也称或Big Board)
obligation 契约,债券
outstanding 拖欠的
par value 票面价值
plummet 骤然跌落
policy 保险单
pool 集合基金
portfolio 有价证券
preferred stock 优先股票
premium 奖金,佣金,担保费
premium 溢价
proceeds 收入,收益
rally (股票价格等)止跌,上扬
rebound 反弹
recoup 偿还,补偿
recovery 恢复
red-chip share 红筹股
refund 偿还
rescue package 一揽子救援计划
resilience 回弹,复原力
resilient 有回弹力的,恢复活力的
risk 保险项目
run 挤提存款,挤兑,争购
Russell 2000 Russell 2000种小资本股票
S&P 500(Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 标准普尔股价指数
SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 联邦证券与交易委员会
securities 证券,债券
shares (英)股票=(美)stock
shore up 支撑
slash (大幅度)削减(工资等)
slump 暴跌,不景气
SMI index (苏黎士市)瑞士股票指数
solvent 有偿还能力的
speculate 投机
speculation 投机
speculator 投机者
T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美国短期国债(每星期发行一次)
T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美国长期国债(期限为20年或30年)
T-note (Treasury Note) 美国中期国债(期限为2年到10年)
Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技术为主的Nasdaq
Technology-laden Nasdaq 以技术为主的Nasdaq
term 年限
tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技术股票为主的NASDAQ
technology-rich stocks 技术股票
technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技术股票的指数(NASDAQ)

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Ⅷ 关于利率和债券的问题,需英文解答,谢谢

The inter-bank market - where banks bor-row from or lend

to each other- is flushed with money at the moment, e to a

flood of for-eign funds and the continued fall in interest


This means that banks here have more mo-ney than they need

and are motivated to lend out such "idle money". Hence, the

low housing loan rates, for example. This contrasts with the

situation at the height of the Asian economic crisis when

there was a liquidity crunch, and interbank rates, which are

the rates at which banks borrow from or lend to each other,

hit as high as 12%.

Also, interest rates have fallen significantly over the

last few months, a phenomenon that would stimulate economic

growth as lower borrowing costs and savings rates will

en-courage businesses to invest and households to consume.

In such a low interest-rate environment, it may still be

good for investors to consider in-vesting some money in

bonds because they will be able to achieve a higher return

than cash deposits.

For example, in Singapore, current short-term fixed

deposit rates are now about 1%, compared with 3% for a

5-year Singapore government bond and 3.6% for a 5-year HDB


In other words, relative to short-term de-posit rates, one

can pick up 2% more by hold-ing the bond for 5 years.

Interest rates aside, the retail investor should pay heed

to a more fundamental principle a-bout investing in bonds:

it does not matter whether interest rates are high or

low-bonds play an essential part in a person's investment


Investors may find this statement hard to swallow, given

the current stock market rally.

No doubt, the Singapore stockmarket has risen by about 55%

over the last six months and is the best performing asset

class now; yet, it is important to note that the stockmarket

had also fallen substantially by about 37% in the first 9

months of 1998 alone.

Therefore, investors should be mindful of the volatility

of the stockmarket.

Bonds, measured by the UOB Government Bond Index, are less

volatile although the probability of earning higher returns

than equities is lower.

Cash deposits, measured by the three-month Singapore

Inter-Bank Offer Rate, are the least volatile but this is

offset by the fact that returns are the lowest.

In a nutshell, an investor should consider investing in

bonds as an alternative asset class for the purpose of

diversification and in consi-deration of his overall

investment objectives.

These objectives include whether there is a greater need

for capital gains or regular in-come. Other considerations

such as liquidity needs and time horizon also determine an

in-vestor's appetite to assume risks and, accord-ingly, his

choice of asset class to invest in.

As a bond pays a regular coupon, or interest rate, it may

be suitable for investors, for exam-ple, retirees, who

require a regular income over a specific time horizon.

The higher need for certainty of income would mean a lower

tolerance for volatility. Although cash deposits may earn

interest, however, e to their shorter tenors, or

time-frames, an investor may face the risk of roll-ing

over, or reinvesting his money, at lower interest rates when

the deposit matures.

For example, in early 1998, when inter-bank rates were as

high as 12%, investors who locked in their funds at high

deposit rates of about 6% for a year would have had to roll

o-ver at much lower interest rates 12 months la-ter when

their deposits matured and rates had fallen to about 1%.

Secondly, if an investor has excess cash which he intends

to use at a later date, it may be advisable to invest his

excess cash in less volatile instruments to preserve his

savings as well as enhance his returns.

Therefore, bonds, like stocks or any other asset class,

can fulfil certain investment ob-jectives.

How does one invest in the bond market?

Currently, retail investors can buy Singapore government

bonds over the banking counter. The minimum investment for

government bonds is S$1,000 and treasury bills is S$10,0000.

Investors can buy and sell on a daily basis. The cost of

transaction is usually the differ-ence between the purchase

price and sale price of the bond, and may vary from bank to


They can also buy bonds as and when new issues are

launched. For example, HDB and JTC bonds were offered to the

retail market ring their primary launches.

Alternatively, investors can consider invest-ing in fixed

income unit trusts. The benefits of unit trusts are that

investors are able to invest in smaller denominations with

typical invest-ments of S$1,000.


















































Ⅸ 债券型基金英语文献(急)



To treasury bonds, financial bonds and other fixed-income instruments such as the main investment fund known as bond funds, investment procts because of their relatively stable earnings, also known as the "fixed benefit fund." According to the proportion of different stock investments, bond funds can be divided into pure bond funds and partial Bonds Fund. The difference between the two, not pure debt funds in the stock market, and partial debt funds can invest in a small number of stocks. Partial debt funds in accordance with the advantage of the stock market movements can be flexibility to asset allocation, risk control conditions to share the opportunities offered by the stock market.
In general, bond funds do not charge subscription or purchase, the cost of the redemption rates are lower.

Bond Fund has the following characteristics:
(A) low-risk, low income. As bond funds, the investment target - bond yields stable, the risks are also smaller, therefore, less risky bond funds, but because the bonds are fixed-income procts, relative to equity funds, bond funds low-risk but not the rate of return high.
(2) lower cost. As bond investment management managing complex than equity investments, bond fund management fees are relatively low, our country's bond funds
(C) income stability. Invest in regular bonds have interest returns, e also committed to debt service, and therefore the bond proceeds fund more stable.
(D) focus on current income. ABF mainly seeking more current fixed income, compared to equity funds in terms of the lack of value-added potential, in not too much more suitable for adventure, the current stability of income for investors.

Ⅹ 有篇关于股市方面的英语文章翻译!(不要是网上和有道那里的翻译,请英语高手帮忙)




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