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发布时间:2021-04-19 04:20:29

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各种股票走势的形态分析(The trend of the stock of various forms of analysis)


(1)一头双肩式型态:一个头分别有二个大小相同的左肩和右肩, 左右双肩大致平衡。比较多的是一头双右肩,在形成第一个右肩时,股价并不马上跌破颈线,反而掉头回升,不过回升却止于右肩高点之下,最后股价继续沿着原来的趋势向下。
(3)多头多肩式型态:在形成头部期间,股价一再回升, 而且回升至上次同样的高点水平才向下回落,形成明显的两个头部,也可称作两头两肩式走势。有一点必须留意:成交量在第二个头往往会较第一个减少。
(2)复合头肩型态的颈线很难画出来, 因为每一个肩和头的回落部分(复合头肩底则是回升部分),并不会全都落在同一条线上。因此,应该以最明显的二个短期低点(复合头肩底则是短期反弹高点),连接成颈线。另外又或是以回落(或反弹)到其价位次数最多的水平接连戍颈线。
两日反转就是这型态的变形。在上升的过程中,某交易日该股股价大幅扳升,并以全日的最高价收市。可是翌日股价以昨天的收市价开盘后,全日价格不断下跌,把昨日的升幅完全跌去,而且可能是以上日的最低价收市。这走势的表现就称之为顶部两日反。 同样在下跌时,某个交易日里股价突告大幅滑落,但接着的一个交易日便完全收复失地,并以当日最高价收和市,这就是底部两日反转。
(2)这并非是长期性趋势逆转的讯号,通常在整理型态的顶部中出现, 虽然亦可能在长期性趋势的顶点(或底点)出现。

Reversal pattern - at the end of the first shoulder
1. Pattern analysis
The top of the head and shoulder shape, form just a part of it the other way round, also known as the "back-shoulder turn." The formation of the left shoulder, fell, the relative increase in volume, followed by a sub-rose a smaller volume. Then stock prices fell again and fell below the previous low trading volume decreased with the increase again, stage a rebound over the left shoulder of trading for more than - the formation of the head; from the lowest point in the head picks up again, the volume may增加. The head of the entire volume, for more than the left shoulder.
When the stock price back up to previous high-point rebound, the third drop, then the volume is less than clear in the head and left shoulder, stock prices fell in the left shoulder level, the decline will stabilize the formation of the right shoulder.
Finally, the formal launch a stock rally, and accompanied by a substantial increase in turnover, when the neckline to break through resistance, closing up more significantly, the whole pattern will be set up.
2. Meaning the market
Shoulder at the end of the first analysis of the significance and there is no difference between head-shoulder top, it tells us that the last of the long-term trend has been reversed, once again the share price fell for the second time low (head) is obviously higher than that of the previous low for a , But quickly rebounded by U-turn, followed by a stock price down at the end of last fall's low level of support and has been picked up, reflecting the strength of bullish market is graally changing in the past to the light of the situation. When two of the rebound high resistance line (neckline) after the break, showing the good side is completely knocked down the short side, the seller instead of buyer complete control of the market as a whole.
3. Prompted the main points
(1) head-and-shoulders top of the shoulders and head almost at the end of the shape of the main difference is that the volume side.
(2) head-shoulder neckline at the end of a breakthrough, is a true buy signal, while stock prices and the lowest point of comparison, the rate has been rising for some, but the rally has only just begun, yet that investors should continue to buy into the recovery. At least a measure of the increase is the lowest in the head from a vertical line stipple intersect at the neckline, right shoulder and then break through the neckline is starting to measure up the same height, the unit is Liangchu prices will rise The minimum rate.
In addition, when the neckline break through resistance, must cope with the sharp increase in trading volume, or else it could be a breakthrough in the wrong. However, if after a breakthrough in increasing turnover, patterns can be identified.
(3) In general, the head-and-shoulders pattern at the end of relatively flat and therefore require a longer time to complete.
(4) in the neckline after breaking up may be a temporary fall, but should not be lower than the back line. If you fall below the neckline, or the level of stock prices in the neckline down, unable to break through resistance at the neckline, but also fell below the head, which may be a failure of the shoulder at the end of the first type.
(5) at the end of the first shoulder is a very powerful prediction of one of the patterns, if confirmed, would be more than most of the increase in the minimum increases.
Reversal patterns - the first complex shoulder -
1. Pattern analysis
Composite is the first head-shoulder-shoulder (or head-and-shoulders top in the first shoulder at the end of) the movement of deformation, the shape of the head and shoulder style is very similar, only the shoulder, head, or both appear more than once, by and large, can be Divided into the following categories:
(1) a-shoulders pattern: one in the first two were the same as the size of the left shoulder and right shoulder, around shoulders more or less balance. Many 1 pair of right shoulder, right shoulder in the formation of the first, did not immediately share price fell below the neckline, but rose, but the rebound was limited to the right shoulder high, the final share price trend to continue along the original Down.
(2) more than 1-shoulders pattern: the first shoulder-General has the tendency to symmetry, so when the two form a left shoulder, likely will have a shoulder. In addition to the volume, the graphics left and right almost equal to the Department.
(3) more than shoulder-long pattern: the formation of the head, the share price has rebounded, but picked up last time to the same high level drop down to form a clear head and the two can also be referred to as the trend of two-shoulders . It should be pay attention to: the second volume in the head more often the first rection.
2. Meaning the market
Complex head-and-shoulders pattern analysis and common sense in the first-shoulder patterns, when in the bottom appears, that means a longer-term or city around the corner; if in the top of the shows that the market will be turned down.
In the complex formation of the first type of shoulder early, as a result of irregular trading volume may make it difficult to identify patterns, but little for a long time and it is easy to see head-and-shoulder type of exactly the same trend.
Many people have over-estimated the complex head-and-shoulders pattern is expected to rise (or fall) might, in fact, the first shoulder complex patterns of force is often worse than the common head-and-shoulders pattern for the weak. In the medium-term trend, the composite shoulder in the first of its type completed at least increase (or decrease) will no longer continue, while the general head-and-shoulders pattern of rising (or down), is more often the measure out of range for most Xiu Big.
3. Prompted the main points
(1) head-and-shoulders pattern of the compound or at least cap / or measurement of Chung and the general head-and-shoulders pattern measuring method is the same.
(2) composite head neckline of the shoulder pattern is difficult to draw, because each of the shoulder and head down the part of the (shoulder at the end of the first compound is part of the pick-up) will not all fall on the same line. As a result, should be the most obvious short-term low of two (shoulder at the end of the first compound is a short-term rebound high), to connect into the neckline. In addition to or down (or bounce) to the price of its highest number of successive level of garrison neckline.
Reversal patterns - in a single day (two days) inversion
1. Pattern analysis
When the stock continued to rise for some time, in a stock transaction Japan suddenly pushed unusually high, but once again be a strong selling pressure, the day all the increase in the total losses are, or may be more a part of , And the lowest full-day (or near-full-price) to close. This day is called at the top of the one-day reversal.
Two days is to reverse this pattern of distortion. The rise in the course of a trading day stock price back up sharply, and full-time highest closing price. But the next day's share price yesterday to the closing price after the opening day price drop yesterday to increase the total losses, and may be more than the lowest closing date. This trend on the performance of the two-day anti-called top. Also in the fall, a trading day, a significant decline in the stock price will break, but then one day be completely recovered ground, and the highest price on the day and closed the city, which is at the bottom of the two-day reversal.
2. Meaning the market
We have to reverse at the bottom of the one-day, for example, to explain the causes of this phenomenon.
In the fall of the stage, because of falling stock prices, more and more investors can assume a greater loss, then stop loss selling. Selling them to further push down the stock price, lower prices so that they had sold more anxious, As a result, the price on the day decreased rapidly. When they are selling after the selling pressure on the sudden disappearance of other investors because of the new low-cost and try to lure people to buy, make a profit immediately, so that more investors buying added to the ranks, as the earlier selling Has been completely digested, so buying soon push up stock prices, the price fell on the same day or full back.
One-day reversal patterns of the market meaning that at least two points:
(1) market peaked for the time being (when the reverse appears at the top of the one-day) or bottom (when the reverse appears at the bottom of the one-day). Inversion is usually at the top of the one-day rise in the consumption of the late; at the bottom of the one-day reversal is in panic selling emerged in the last paragraph.
(2) This is not a long-term trend reversal signal, usually finishing in the top of the pattern emerged, though is also likely to have long-term trends point (or the end point) occurred.
3. Revealed the main points
(1) one-day reversal on the same day, the sudden increase in volume, while the price fluctuations of the two are obviously increased than usual. If the volume is not high or full-price volatility is not that type can not be confirmed.
(2) share price on the day an hour or two of the fluctuations could be much three or four trading days of greater volatility. At the top of the inversion in a single day, the stock price than the market opened on the last trading day higher than the price, but quickly reversed the situation, the rapid price movement in the opposite direction to the end of the day closing price and the last trading day compared with a few No change. At the bottom of the one-day reverse the situation is exactly the opposite.
(3) general in the provisional 15 minutes before the close of trading the sudden increase in price rapidly moving towards the opposite direction.
(4) on the 2nd and reverse the transaction price, the same two days of great volatility. At the top of the inversion on the 2nd day of the second trading day prior to the increase in total losses; on the 2nd and at the bottom of the inversion is entirely up to the trading day before the fall.

2. 四环医药控股集团的集团概况

经 营 理 念------------合 作 与 共 享
企 业 宗 旨--------致力于健康产业,为社会创造价值,为员工提供发展,为股东创造财富。
企 业 精 神-----------倡导创新力、学习力、执行力。
企 业 定 位----------专注于心脑血管药物领域,矢志成为最具竞争力的心脑血管药物研发、生产、营销一体化的国际性企业。
四环医药10年10月27日晚在港交所公布首次公开募股(IPO)招股结果,以招股价的上限每股4.6港元定价。此次四环医药全球发售12.5亿股,净集资额约为55亿港元。 四环医药公告显示,此次IPO香港公开发售和国际发售最终各占一半,即6.25亿股。
公布招股结果,表明四环医药完成此次IPO的关键一步,也意味着索罗斯控制的量子基金确定成为四环医药IPO的六大基础投资者之一,这六大基础投资者合计斥资约14.74亿港元认购。除量子基金外,其他五大基础投资者包括中国人寿险(海外)、希尔豪斯资本管理公司、惠理基金管理公司、阿里巴巴集团主席马云和投资人虞锋创立的云峰基金,以及建银国际资产管理有限公司。 港股股份数目 5,000,000,000股 主席 车冯升 主要持股人 车冯升 董事 徐康森(独立非执行董事) 白慧良(独立非执行董事) 辛定华(独立非执行董事) Eddy Huang(非执行董事) 孙弘(非执行董事) 张炯龙(非执行董事) 孟宪慧(执行董事) 郭维城(副主席) 郭维城(执行董事) 车冯升(执行董事) 车冯升(主席) 公司秘书 魏伟峰;蔡耀忠 注册办事处 Clarendon House,2 Church Street,P.O. Box HM1022,Hamilton HM DX,Bermuda 公司总部 香港中环皇后大道中15号置地广场告罗士打大厦8楼 股份过户登记处 Codan Services Company Limited Clarendon House, PO Box HM, 1022 Hamilton HM DX, Bermuda 香港中央证券登记有限公司香港湾仔皇后大道东183号合和中心17楼1712-1716室 核数师 罗兵咸永道会计师事务所 主要往来银行 中国工商银行股份有限公司(海口世贸支行);交通银行 法律顾问 诺顿罗氏律师事务所;Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison;海问律师事务所;Conyers Dill & Pearman



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